About Us
Our philosophy is grounded in using data for insight, joined with simple, repeatable systems, all grounded in a human-centric approach.
We deliver our solutions in-person, remote, and on demand.
As servent-leaders, we look forward to working with you on solutions that meet your unique needs.
The data is based on you - by you for you. Our assment provider is TTISI, world-leader delivering overr 30M asssements across the globe.
We've packaged our solutions to be repeatable to bring you long-term value.
Our coaching style is human centric - we teach with heart. We believe in the people that run businesses.
Data-Driven Insights
Our Data provider is world renowned TTI SI out of Scottsdale, AZ. Since 1984, TTI SI has provided industry-leading insights through our comprehensive suite of behavioral assessment tools that increase employee productivity and improve culture and employee engagement.
TTI SI assessment tools use predictive analytics to provide custom data that helps our customers best understand themselves and their teams. This data also increases employee satisfaction with the feedback process.
TTI SI assessment tools are safe and legal to use in the hiring process of your organization, due to our compliance under the Disparate Impact Rule.
TTI SI is Selected Among the Training Industry Top 20 Assessment & Evaluation Companies for a 3rd Consecutive Year.